Rock (Tape) and Roll is Here to Stay
f you haven’t noticed, kinesiology tape is a big part of my practice! Throughout my chiropractic training, I have sought out 3 different certifications through the movement company, Rocktape. Previously, I had always wondered what the point of tape was, and had my own doubts that a little bit of tape could actually impact someone physically. It wasn’t until I was rehabbing and receiving treatment for IT band syndrome as a student, when I became a believer. Through chiropractic, corrective exercises, supplements, and believe it or not, tape, I was able to fully recover and train for multiple half marathons, among other various races.
So how does this stuff work?
Well, kinesiology taping is a relatively new therapy, and lots of research is still being done to pinpoint exactly how it works. Luckily there are new studies coming out all the time! I also published my own research to help explain. To spare you from all the details, in a nutshell tape helps lift the skin, thus creating space. Kinesiology tape has built in stretch and is very flexible, unlike the traditional white athletic tape we often think of. Thus, kinesiology tape HELPS movement, instead of restricting it. Rocktape has 180% stretch built right into the tape, letting it put a nice recoil into the skin, creating more room for the fascia (think of this like a saran wrap cover around your muscles) and muscles to glide more efficiently. In my recent study, we actually found that tape applied in the appropriate manner can even help increase muscle tone and firing, thus accelerating the rate of rehabilitation and helping athletes perform better and recover faster. Kinesiology tape acts as a constant “cue” impacting our nervous system.
What can tape be used for?
Tape can be used for many different things! Improving muscle firing and movement patterns, retraining muscle imbalances, pain relief, lymphatic drainage, postural correction, inflammation reduction, and injury prevention to name a few! Not only is taping beneficial for athletes, which is what we see the most often in the can provide support for anyone!
Here's a GREAT example of how effective tape can be. This tape was applied after a broken foot. You can see the amount of bruising and swelling before the tape, the completed tape job for draining the edema, and then after the tape was removed {ONLY 3 DAYS LATER!}.
One of my favorite ways to use tape is for pregnancy. Taping can provide fabulous support for the low back and core (a common area of dysfunction for mamas), provide relief from swelling, and improve ranges of motion (just to name a few!) The pregnancy taping application provides a supportive sling for for to help mamas engage their stabilizing muscles around the core to better support her and baby! Here's an example of a pregnancy taping application, one of my favorite things to do: helping mamas be comfortable in their journey!
Check out this awesome mama and her tiger stripe tape!
Are you hooked yet? Kinesiology tape can be a great tool to have in your tool box. It is important to note that tape should be an adjunct therapy! Be sure to get checked out by a healthcare practitioner and address why there is pain and/or dysfunction and what is causing it. While tape is great and can truly help many conditions, it shouldn’t be the sole source of treatment, especially for chronic conditions. To find a certified Rocktape Specialist, click here!